Professional Print Managers

Cost SavingReorganization Process Improvement Environmental Strategies
2010 © PPM. Professional Print Managers. All rights reserved
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Our recommendations do not answer to any commercial interest related to selling devices or solutions.


We know deeply the PRINTING AND DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS markets. We can bring a realistic vision of itself and know the challenges your company must face to optimise its processes. We only ASSESS ABOUT PRINTING, not about cost savings in other areas.


In a globalised world, a corporation must implement improvements in different countries. PPM brings capability to do audits and implementations in many countries.


PPM works with a methodology based on SIX SIGMA processes to ensure reliable results.

We also take into consideration aspects that other companies are jumping, like contact with users and individual manual audits so that we get much more useful information to create a real strategy.


PPM bases its activity in reorganising companies. WE ARE NOT CONTRACT KILLERS, we do not try to sell devices or solutions. We bring knowledge for your company to implement improvements in costs and productivity.