Professional Print Managers

Ahorro Organizacion Procesos Medio Ambiente
2010 © PPM. Professional Print Managers. All rights reserved
Case studies
DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS“Not always a correct document strategy is about replacing printers”

PPM will propose, inside your strategy the solutions based on software that will improve your productivity, safety and cost saving.

We will develop a conceptual solution that will be a detailed guide to acquire it across your actual vendors.

Again, PPM will not propose any sale or any vendor, guaranteeing its independency.


PPM can asses in the sourcing process with providers. This means that we will analyse the different proposals that you will receive, finding strengths, weaknesses and options to improve them.

With this service your company ensures maximum transparency, reliability and profitability in its sourcing process.

PPM does not present any vendor and will only answer to your requirements, because we only represent your company.

We can also assist in RFP creation national or internationally.

DEPLOYMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES“ A correct implementation is as important as a good project definition”

PPM, after the sourcing process, will ensure that a correct implementation is taken in place,
and that will follow the designed strategy for your company, for hardware as well as for the software that will conform a complex solution.

With regards to the hardware PPM will ensure that the delivery schedules, configurations, places to install as well as the withdrawal of the old devices follow the strategy a do not cause problems and delays inside the company.

With regards to the software PPM will ensure that the data is taken correctly, as well as the Discovery process, deliveries, customization and go live are adequate and negotiated.

On the other side we will ensure your users to receive the correct and necessary training for the strategy change not to have negative consequences in your company’s productivity.

PROJECT MANAGEMENT“The implementation of a correct strategy can be a long and complex project. Longer even when it takes place in a corporation that works in several countries”

The best of the strategies fails without a successful implementation. In fact, the real key to get the desired results is the implementation.

PPM will ensure that your document improvement project will be executed and its results measured and reported.

For that purpose we will generate a project that will extend into any of the countries where your company will operate.

PPM will ensure about the correct deployment, and specifications, configurations, deliveries and training complies the designed strategy in every site where the company will need to implement the solution.