Professional Print Managers

Cost SavingReorganization Process Improvement Environmental Strategies
2010 © PPM. Professional Print Managers. All rights reserved
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PPM Europe (Professional Print Managers Europe) is the only independent international consulting company focused on printing strategies.

Our mission is to bring knowledge to the market to reorganise companies, building a bespoke printing strategy model, and totally separate from the interests of the different manufacturers that work in the market.

With our consultancy, companies are capable to negotiate in a stronger position with their vendors, as they know which is the ideal solution for them before requesting proposals from they actual providers.

PPM DOES NOT SELL DEVICES. Bring knowledge applied to the companies requirements. We do not depend on manufacturers commercial interests. We only answer in front of the requirement of the companies we audit.

PMM is based on INDEPENDENCY, MARKET KNOWLEDGE and INDIVIDUAL MAMAGEMENT to generate a bespoke value proposition for every company we audit. All, done in agreed terms and timings that must be achieved.